New Year ResolutionsAs we begin 2011, it’s the perfect time to clean the slate and set new goals, right?  For many people this includes a fitness regimen to work off the extra calories consumed over holidays.  The idea is to get the body in shape just in time for a spring break in February or March.  While these are ambitions goals, they require a lot of time and discipline.  Perhaps the easiest goal that you can set and quickly achieve in 2011 is a whiter smile.

Your smile is important. It conveys friendliness, openness, confidence, affection, and happiness.  It’s typically one of the first things that people notice about you.  If you’re embarrassed about your discolored or stained teeth, you will likely smile less. Fortunately, there are a number of treatments and options that can help you bring out your whitest smile.

Moore Family Dental is your best bet when it comes to teeth whitening.  The process is simple and painless.  It starts with making impressions of your teeth.  Your teeth are unique to you so the dental trays made from your impressions are unique to you, as well.  Teeth whitening solution is then inserted into these custom trays which you wear part of each day for about a week.  You will love the difference – and just wait until you see the before-and-after pictures!  Whiter teeth can actually help to improve your self-esteem and boost your confidence.  Make a New Year’s resolution that you are very likely to achieve – you’ll be thankful you did.

Now is the best time to create that whiter smile.  Moore Family Dental is offering a FREE teeth whitening package to all new patients!  A whiter smile is not purely cosmetic or solely for your own benefit.  Think of it as a gift to those you love because it is the gift of your smile.  Teeth whitening packages include custom trays for your teeth and the teeth whitening solution.

Moore Family Dental is committed to providing you exceptional service. If you have questions or concerns regarding your dental insurance coverage, they can help.  They can extend flexible payment terms or treatment options that are right for you.  Take charge and start the year off right with a whiter smile!!!