Invisalign clear bracesDid you have braces when you were younger – but refuse to wear your retainer?  Perhaps you wore it faithfully, but your teeth shifted over the years.  Maybe you never had braces and want to acquire your perfect smile.  Or maybe you are researching the issue of braces for your child.

Regardless of your motivation, you have come to the right place to learn more about straightening your teeth without disrupting your life.  Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth without wearing traditional braces and dealing with the problems and annoyances that can accompany them.

With Invisalign, the dentist will make an impression of your teeth and use computer technology to make trays, similar to those used for teeth whitening, to straighten your teeth gradually.  You will begin with a set of trays that will allow your teeth to begin straightening slowly; the next set will pick up where the first set left off, the third set will follow the second, and so on.  Invisalign leverages the latest technology to do this in stages; as a result, the process is very gradual and the pain and discomfort are minimized.

Invisible Alignment = Invisalign

As the name implies, this teeth-straightening option is basically invisible.  Many people prefer this option over traditional braces, which are very visible.  The clear Invisalign trays are custom-made so they fit perfectly.  The custom fit makes them even less noticeable.

Benefits are not limited to invisibility
If you have ever worn traditional braces, you know that they can be irritating.  They hurt when you get them adjusted, it can be embarrassing to eat, it is a challenge to brush and floss your teeth thoroughly, and some foods are off-limits.  Imagine being able to have your teeth straightened without worrying about any of these things!  Now, you can.

Invisalign’s trays are custom-made for your mouth, which means that they are more comfortable.  Although your teeth might feel a little uncomfortable when you begin using a new tray, the discomfort is minimal.  And with this method, you do not have to worry about sharp edges or popping wires, both of which can be a concern for people with metal braces.

You do not have to worry about eating with Invisalign, either, because you remove your Invisalign braces when you eat.  This means that you will never have to endure the embarrassing moments people with metal braces experience when trying to eat certain foods.

Brushing your teeth well and flossing properly are not a challenge when you choose these clear braces to straighten your teeth.  You simply remove the straightening tray to brush and floss and put it back in when you are done.  Obviously, your tray will remain cleaner and more hygienic if you always brush your teeth after eating.

As wearers of traditional braces can attest, some foods are off-limits.  This is not true with Invisalign because you just take your straightening tray out to eat, brush your teeth, and put the tray back in when you are done.  That means gum, candy, popcorn, and other forbidden foods are no longer off limits.  As with anyone else, your teeth will be healthier if you eat sweets in moderation.  Make sure to keep track of your straightening trays so that you do not lose them when you remove them to eat.

Most insurance companies treat Invisalign the same way they treat traditional braces; in other words, if your coverage includes braces, it will most likely include Invisalign, as well.  Talk with your insurance company and Moore Family Dental for specific information about your particular situation.

In your words
The best information about Invisalign comes from those who have experienced it.  If you’ve used Invisalign, please tell us about it.