Flossing teethThink back to your elementary school days.  Did you ever have a visit from a dentist, dental hygienist, or someone else who talked about the importance of dental care?  If you did, your favorite part of the visit may have been the small pink tablets that were distributed to take home.  The idea was to go home, brush your teeth, and then chew the tablet.  The tablet showed you what you had missed by turning plaque and other less-than-clean areas of the teeth pink.  You were then supposed to brush again until all of the pink was gone.  It was an effective visual which often inspired children to brush with renewed interest and care.

What would that pink tablet show if you chewed it today?  Do you brush with interest and care or are you lackadaisical about brushing your teeth?  Do you floss carefully or would the spaces between your teeth turn pink from the tablet?  How about your gum line?  Would it be pink?

Toothbrush selection
At one time, toothbrush options consisted of soft, medium, and hard in a variety of colors.  Today, consumers have many choices.  Some toothbrushes have rotating bristles, some have flexible parts, and others focus on a contoured design. They are all aimed at simplifying and improving the task of maintaining healthy teeth and gums.  A traditional toothbrush is simple, inexpensive, and easy to use but the user must work to clean all surfaces and between teeth as well as possible.  A battery-powered toothbrush requires a little less effort on the part of the user because batteries provide power to help clean the teeth.  An electric toothbrush requires even less effort on the part of the user.  Electricity enables this toothbrush to move even faster; the goal is for the user to put the extra power to work to clean the teeth more effectively.  Sonic technology used in toothbrushes enables them to move at incredible speeds. The latest models of sonic toothbrushes can create more than 40,000 brush strokes per minute.  The goal is to leverage the toothbrush’s speed and technology to their fullest advantage to clean the teeth thoroughly.

Everyone has personal preferences when it comes to cleaning the teeth.  Some people prefer a traditional toothbrush because that is what they have become most accustomed to.  Others prefer to avail themselves of newer technology as they search for the best and most comfortable way to get their teeth as clean and white as possible.  You may try several different toothbrushes until you find the one that is best for you.  There is no one size fits all.

When you think of preventive care for your mouth, do you also include flossing?  Although many people focus all their dental care efforts on brushing, flossing is arguably an even more important component.  It helps dislodge food from between teeth and makes your brushing efforts easier and more effective.  You should floss before you brush and make sure you spend enough time to do a good job.

As with toothbrushes, consumers have choices when it comes to dental floss.  Decisions are based on personal preference; some people prefer waxed dental floss while others choose the unwaxed version.  Crest’s Glide and Oral-B’s Satintape are each a durable yet very thin and comfortable option for people with very tightly spaced teeth.  Shaped like a mini hacksaw, floss holders are good for people with limited dexterity or those who are just learning how to floss.  For some people, minty dental floss is preferable; for others, only dental floss that has no flavor is acceptable.  There are a variety of floss options which can make the process a little easier.

Many people think of mouthwash as a cosmetic tool to freshen the breath.  Although this was the case in the past, mouthwash now has additional benefits.  You can use certain mouthwash products, such as Act, before brushing to help loosen plaque on the teeth.  If you are seeking extra motivation for yourself or your children, you can choose a pre-brush rinse that will add temporary color to your teeth.  That way, when you brush you will remove the color, thus providing instant visual proof of the results.

Think back to those pink tablets.  Think back to your options when you were a child.  There are so many more options for preventive dental care and maintenance now than there were then.  Take advantage of them; your teeth will thank you.