New Years ResolutionsIt’s that time of year: resolutions.  What is on your list for 2012?  Maybe you are determined to land your dream job, lose weight, get organized, or all of the above.  What about your oral health?  Take a look at these dental-focused New Year’s resolutions to get you started.

Floss regularly.  If you never floss, start now.  Floss occasionally?  Make it part of your daily routine.  If you are not sure how to do this well, ask the staff at Moore Family Dental to help you.  Flossing is an essential part of good oral care and it is never too late to start.

Whiten your teeth.  If your teeth have become dull or discolored, a whitening process will do wonders for your confidence.  The staff at Moore Family Dental can help you decide the best whitening process for you.

Address any outstanding issues.  Even if you are fastidious about oral care, you may have one particular issue, big or small, that just bothers you.  It may be a chip or crack in your tooth, a gap between two of your teeth, an old filling, bad breath, or something else.  Do not ignore it; talk with the staff at Moore Family Dental about ways to address it.

Go to the dentist regularly.  This is very important and it will benefit your teeth – and your overall health – in so many ways.  Think of it as a gift to yourself.

Eat healthier overall.  Even if you do not indulge in a lot of sugary foods throughout the day, your diet may not be healthy.  Keep a food diary for a week or two so you can really examine your eating habits and find the deficiencies.  You may realize that your diet is woefully inadequate when it comes to vegetables; that is a good starting point so you can begin eating better.

Help kids achieve better oral care.  With children, oral habits can slip; monitor them carefully and offer a refresher course when needed.  Remember that small incentives, such as a fun toothbrush or flavored toothpaste, can do wonders when it comes to getting kids to brush.

Use mouthwash.  Ask the staff at Moore Family Dental for recommendations specific to you.  Then use it faithfully and enjoy the feeling of a clean, fresh mouth.

Smile more!  It’s contagious! Your smile is unique to you; share it with family, friends, and everyone around you.

Enjoy the new year and make dental health a priority in 2012!